Application contexts for IPpoint

IPpoint allows you to manage network access - from fixed and mobile stations - in all contexts safely and quickly.

Created for the first time in 2000, it has been repeatedly updated and redesigned to maximize the potential offered by new internet technologies.
A highly appreciated feature of the market is the simultaneous management of fixed workstations in Libraries, laboratories, Internet Cafes and Wi-Fi utilities, all with a single accounting system: for this reason IPpoint is in use at important public and private facilities, and is the solution adopted by major fleets of cruise ships for managing the Cybercafe and all internet access via the Wi-Fi network.

The fixed stations are of the open source type and with a Linux Live operating system, that is to say: zero license costs, high robustness compared to hacking attempts or improper use, zero software maintenance costs of the workstations which are like at every reboot just installed.

The most common application contexts for IPpoint are:

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